I have yet to start using catechisms with my kids, but the more I look at them the better I like them. Catechisms were not something that were taught in our home when I was a child but my parents did teach doctrine quite a bit through everyday conversation. However, one of the reasons I like the idea of teaching them is the intentionality of teaching doctrine that it brings to the table. I want my kids to grow up understanding all the basics of our faith and why we believe what we believe and this would allow me assurance that we've covered everything and would also give us a jumping off point to discuss theology in greater depth. More on this in a moment.
This is one of our new butterflies... okay, he's the only one so far. We have another in chrysalis form and another in caterpillar form right now that my former-middle-school-science-teacher aunt, Nine, brought us a couple of weeks ago. If you'll notice, one of his wings in significantly smaller than the other. What this means for this guy (or girl... I haven't really checked) is that he'll never really fly well. Which also means, I'm hesitant to release him outside for fear he'll be gobbled up immediately.
However, he has given my kids and I an opportunity to talk about physical differences. My kids have had limited exposure at this time to others with who are different, but I thought that this was a good time to look at something that was made by God slightly different. Is He still beautiful? Absolutely! Does He still have purpose? Yes! Which brings me back to catechisms...
Number three on this list goes like this:
Q. 3. Why did God make you and all things ?
A. For his own glory.
And that there is the point that my kids (okay, all of us really) need to understand. Everyone, everything is made for God's glory. Remember the story of the blind man in John 9? The disciples asked Jesus if he'd been born blind because of his own sin or because of his parent's sin. Neither, was Jesus reply. Rather, it was to demonstrate God's power by performing a miraculous healing in him. And that is one of the cruxes of Christian faith. All life is valuable because God has made us in His image in order that we may bring Him glory. It's what we all have been put here on this earth to do. There is true value in that.
So, where do I go from here to teach my kids more about those with differences? I'd love some suggestions. I've heard that Max Lucado's books are good ones to begin with and I've read some good things about this out of print one by Ken Gire. I'd love suggestions!
Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!
However, he has given my kids and I an opportunity to talk about physical differences. My kids have had limited exposure at this time to others with who are different, but I thought that this was a good time to look at something that was made by God slightly different. Is He still beautiful? Absolutely! Does He still have purpose? Yes! Which brings me back to catechisms...
Number three on this list goes like this:
Q. 3. Why did God make you and all things ?
A. For his own glory.
And that there is the point that my kids (okay, all of us really) need to understand. Everyone, everything is made for God's glory. Remember the story of the blind man in John 9? The disciples asked Jesus if he'd been born blind because of his own sin or because of his parent's sin. Neither, was Jesus reply. Rather, it was to demonstrate God's power by performing a miraculous healing in him. And that is one of the cruxes of Christian faith. All life is valuable because God has made us in His image in order that we may bring Him glory. It's what we all have been put here on this earth to do. There is true value in that.
So, where do I go from here to teach my kids more about those with differences? I'd love some suggestions. I've heard that Max Lucado's books are good ones to begin with and I've read some good things about this out of print one by Ken Gire. I'd love suggestions!
Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Hi! I came over from Dondi's blog! Your children are adorable and I love the way you use them in your shop photos! :)
I've (almost) raised 4 boys and I've taught them many different ways through the years. My favorite way at the moment is just letting this last one observe my life and talking to him about life in a natural way as topics come up. ♥
hey! love your blog and love that you have a catechism question in this post;)
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