Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 on 10

Today, I thought I'd join up with 10 on 10-- see others here:

ten on ten button small

9am- Done with breakfast and on to Cuisenaire Rods... Eliana was antsy for her turn, but it did come later.

10am- Yes, I did accidentally send Martha Stewart Living $265.88 this week instead of my electric company! I, of course, didn't catch it until it posted! What!?! I called and told them I didn't want a 10 year subscription and asked them to refund, they couldn't find my paymeny anywhere... of course! And so, I spent this morning hour contacting my bank and the electric company to explain why they weren't getting their payment in time. I feel like a dummy.

11am- Eliana dancing to about three songs at the same time all coming from various refrigerator toys... obviously we have too many!

12pm- Happy baby eats Cheerios and cheese... what can I say? He loves to eat!

1pm- While looking for curriculum that my husband needed to take to an advising meeting to see if it might meet a translation credit, I ran across a book I'd bought at the home school fair... one that I heard mentioned in three different blogs last week and thought to myself. "Boy, I ought to buy that when I get money and read it!" What do you know? I already own it!

2pm- Jesse comes back from said advising meeting with stinky news, he needs to take a class that's offered in the middle of the day... cutting down on work hours. I pouted and lamented the fact that we'll never be done with school! And then reminded myself that it was me who suggested we get married and have kids before he was done. I sit down to try and rearrange his schedule to no avail... then give up.

3pm- Finally got around to sweeping the kitchen floor for the first time today...ew! Sometimes I wonder if I feed the floor more food than the kids.

4pm- Jesse comes home and I finally jump into the shower... ah, clean!

5pm- I foolishly decide to snap a picture of my husband's backside while he's in the midst of taking out all the car seats to do a serious auto detail job. "What you doing" he asks. "Nothing," I reply. "Great, then you can help vacuum this thing out." That's the last time I take a picture of him working.

6pm- Finally dinner's on the table and ready to eat. The kids and I eat alone because Jesse's still working and  needs to bolt all the car seats back into place.

This is my 199th post! Can you believe it? When I post again I'm going to have something special in store... look for it sometime this weekend! Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


Blissful Blooms said...

Fun Pics! I can definitely relate to the crumbs. Sometimes I try to think of meals that wouldn't make crumbs- yea, doesn't work.

Dmarie said...

love this collection of photos...both subtle and real!

Julie said...

Love your set. I have the same floor, it eats more than my kids, lol!

Jodi Ann said...

what a fun day! I love your photos.

Emily B. said...

I just love you! You are a funny girl. And what are Cuisenaire Rods?

Jordan said...

Thats too funny about your Martha Stewart payment. Your gas/electric bill is huge?! We live in a little tiny town so our water/sewer/electric and garbage all come on one bill, which I love. It makes bill paying so much easier. Gas is on a separate bill though.