Wednesday, May 16, 2012


For the past two and a half years, I've been a part of Bible Study Fellowship... it's been good for me as a mama and great for my kids. I've felt blessed knowing that I could leave my kids (for free!) with ladies who love them and love the Lord and who would develop a love for the Lord and His Word in them while being able to go and learn with other women. It's been a big blessing and has helped me to stay in the Word myself.

But today was our last day. For most of the women there, they will return in the autumn... their 1st graders off to full time school and the little ones still attending. So, there are downsides to homeschooling, and this is one of them. There's not a class offered during the day for 1st graders. (There is in the evenings-- but then they don't have a class for the little ones in the evenings.) *Sigh*

We will miss it! We'll miss the friends we've made and I'll miss the accountability and study. So this is my prayer, that I find some new study that I'm able to attend and the timing of it all will work for Jesse and his schedule so I can go. Right now, we don't know what he'll be doing for work or study in the fall so things are really up in the air. I guess I'll have to leave it in God's hands... and I suppose that's a perfect place for it to be.

A big thank you to all the awesome BSF volunteers was in order again... so perhaps we did a repeat of last year's gift. It's a yummy one!

1 comment:

Emily B. said...

I'll pray with you for the right place! Have to admit a bit of jealousy over seeing those sticky buns being passed out yesterday... but the volunteers absolutely deserved them! They have been amazing!