Monday, September 17, 2012

Day One

We started school today... it's that or get done with school in July. Again. And we'd like more of a summer next year. So, here we are! Excited. And nervous. Super, super nervous. How does one teach while you have a newborn and a toddler to take care of? (These are things that were not addressed in all my El. Ed. classes. So much for a having a teaching degree. *sigh*) Here we go!


mpoffman said...

All of a sudden Cruz looks so big and grown up! You'll be fine - just remember that it's only through God's help that you accomplish anything anyway. : )

Amy said...

Hey, You'll do just fine! Speaking from experience here. I too have a degree in El. Ed. that I never actually used in a class-room. God had other plans in mind......for me to teach my own babies at home. Well, not so much babies anymore. My baby is 13 & the oldest is a college grad.....23. I had 5 little ones to teach/juggle & it'll all get done. Just don't get frustrated....remember to enjoy them & savor every little moment of them being little!!!