At this point, I am just three weeks out from welcoming our third little one, Cruz. Can I say how ready I am to be done being pregnant at this point? I am looking forward to no longer having this little one lay sideways inside me; making me extremely uncomfortable. (Good thing he'll be a c-section baby because he is definitely not head down.) Anyway, while I am ready to no longer be pregnant, I am not feeling ready at all in any other sense of the word.
The baby crib is not yet set up; I haven't thought about packing a bag for the hospital. Infant toys have yet to be pulled out of the attic and washed and we have yet to sell our Santa Fe and purchase a minivan. (I'm not terribly worried about this one yet... I do know it's possible to slam the doors shut and get three car seats all the way across the back, but it's not easy or convenient.) I won't go into all the ways we were prepared for the other two. But I do wonder if it's this way for other moms their third time around or if it's just me.

I do realize that part of my lack of preparation is that I have other children vying for my attention that might otherwise be spent preparing for Cruz (and I want to give as much to them as is possible since they will probably very soon feel slighted themselves.) But there's also the lack of people reminding me to get things done. Very few people have asked what things I need, which frankly, has allowed me to forget to actually think about what I need: breast pump (the last two times I've borrowed one... and it's going to be more necessary this time around for me to actually have one than the previous two times), diapers, pacifiers (please God, let him take a pacifier!), warmer clothes in small sizes (since Diego was a summer baby). To be honest, there's not that much I do need in the way of actually purchasing items, so it makes sense that no one has asked. Except that... without people constantly asking me, I somehow have completely forgotten that I ought to be preparing for this little guy until now.
So, this week, I am trying to get on the ball. And I started by making a meal that I love and can freeze: Poppy Seed Chicken. It's simple and way yummy. The ladies at the United Methodist Church in Udall often make it for funerals (which is where I first had it) and boy is it good comfort food!
Here's the recipe, give it a try sometime:

6 cups of cubed, cooked chicken (I bought a rotisserie chicken late at night for $2.99 Manager's Special and just deboned that. Easy and cheap!)
1 cup sour cream
1 can cream of chicken
1 can cream of mushroom
Mix these ingredients and put in the bottom of a casserole dish.
Then mix:

2 sleeves of crushed Ritz crackers
2 tablespoons of poppy seeds (I usually use a bit less- poppy seeds are on the expensive side.)
Spread cracker mixture over the chicken mixture, cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Uncover and bake for another 15 minutes.
So, now I have one meal in the freezer prepared for this baby. I also bought lots of paper plates and cups because (let's face it) I barely get dishes done when I don't have a new baby at home, so that will be one less thing to worry about.
Now, to begin crossing other things off my list. It'll get there, right?
Wish we were there to help you!!! I guess we'll see you in 5 weeks or so! Can't wait!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who is behind in getting prepared! I've always had to "make myself" wait til the last 4 weeks or so before getting everything ready for baby, and now here I am, 2 weeks out and still not ready! =P
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