Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pointing Us to the Father

Fathers have an awesome responsibility: demonstrating God's fatherly love to their children. It's through our fathers that we begin to understand just what God the Father must be like.

Of course, earthly fathers are only a dim shadow of God the Father. We shouldn't really try to understand how God operates as Father through the lens of our own fathers because they are sinners and God is not. God is perfect love and their love (no matter how good) is not perfect. Instead, fathers are to look at their own responsibility through the lens of God. God is the standard. Fathers who draw near to Him are going to more closely reflect Him.

Fortunately for me and my kids, we have fathers who desire to draw near to our Heavenly Father. And it shows! It is a great blessing and I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for that gift!

Thank you and Happy Father's Day... I love you both!

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